Sheathed Dripline

A site-fabricated large-hole dripline designed by us over a decade and 300+ installations to suit the unique challenges of greywater irrigation.


Sheathed dripline is suited for fruit trees or shade trees, perimeter plants & hedges, multiple large and medium-sized plants, and many vegetable gardens. It is not suited for groundcover such as grass, or drought-tolerant native plants, or root crops such as carrots or onions.

Poly tubing is laid out and emitter holes are drilled in place, each covered by a protective sheath that limits spraying and root intrusion. Emitter locations are composed on site in relation to specific plants and their needs. The irrigation area is then covered with a thick bed of wood- chip mulch.

Sheathed dripline works with raised beds.

Sheathed dripline works with raised beds.

Exposed dripline before being covered in mulch.

Exposed dripline before being covered in mulch.


Wood chips are an essential part of the system - they act as an organic greywater filter, catching lint and soap and breaking down impurities through natural microbial action. They also reduce evaporation and allow greywater to percolate laterally through capillary action, and ultimately break down into extremely rich healthy soil, similar to a forest floor.

Wood-chip mulch is a living part of the system and does need periodic attention – we recommend annual maintenance to lay down a fresh bed of mulch, and a deep maintenance every 3-5 years to purge irrigation lines.