Greywater Corps founder Leigh Jerrard was working at Frank Gehry’s studio when he decided he would rather be out building a more sustainable society instead.
About Us
We are a Los Angeles-based company specializing in greywater and rainwater design, installation and education. Formed in 2009 in response to growing concern about our limited water resources, we started with greywater and now install a range of systems for rainwater capture, water purification and water storage, as well as Low Impact Development mitigation measures.
Hundreds of projects completed over 10+ years have made us a nationally recognized authority on the subject, informing our approach to building simple, low maintenance systems that rely on natural processes to make your home water-resilient and sustainable.
Greywater and rainwater systems save water, save money, protect the environment, and provide water security for your garden and home in times of drought.
Many of our systems qualify for rebates from state and local agencies, and we are well versed in pulling necessary permits and passing inspections.
Don't let precious water go down the drain - use it again!
Featured in

Greywater Corps Crew, October 2021
CA Contractor’s License B-1009259
CA Architect’s License C 29818
C-36 Certified Plumber
“Greywater Corp’s plans are solid and they addressed our unique needs. I thought we’d recoup our investment in a couple of years, but it paid for itself in just one. Our water consumption dropped 60 percent!”
“Every time that we take a shower or run a load of laundry we can sense happy water heading towards our happy plants. The Greywater crew is outstanding. They are experts, plus they are friendly and courteous. ”
“I have two kids, so when they take baths and use a lot of water, it makes me feel better about it, because all of that water goes to water our citrus plants.”
“I am thrilled with our system and very pleased with Greywater Corp’s office and crew. It’s a great relief knowing we have solved the problems with our aging septic system and are sending water out to our shrubs and trees instead. ”
“We’re re-using the water, I think that’s responsible and important, and we’re doing it in a way that enhances our lives.”
“We are delighted with the work on the greywater system! Not only does the system itself look great (AND function well! I couldn’t resist going out and looking as it went along) but the yard was left in beautiful shape.”
“I love my system because it lets me use the same water twice, thereby doubling its value (and lessening my guilt over the water I do have to use). Total win-win situation!”
“We have been so happy with our system. The yard is thriving and y’all have been great to work with.”
We stand by all of our installations by offering repair and maintenance services at any time. We aim to build relationships that last as long as our systems do!
Furthermore, we guarantee to meet the highest standards of work both outside and inside of your home. We are licensed contractors, plumbers and architects with over a decade of experience building these systems.
When we are done, everything will look the same except for your water bill. Our greywater systems are practically invisible except for the results: a thriving, beautiful, sustainable oasis!

Click on individual markers to learn more about each system and discover photos of some of our favorites.
Click the top left corner of the map to see a map key and filter locations by system type.
All locations are approximate to protect the privacy of our clients.