Laundry-to-Landscape greywater systems are simple, low-tech greywater irrigation systems using water from washing machines.

Laundry-to-landscape greywater systems have no filters, storage tanks or external pumps and can be legally installed anywhere in California without permits or inspections.
On average, washing machines represent 16% of a household’s waste stream - about 22 gallons per day per household. A greywater system turns that waste into a vital resource for plants and the species that depend on them.
Laundry-to-Landscape systems use your washing machine's internal pump to distribute greywater through the landscape. Because greywater is collected directly from the machine they can be installed in almost any situation, even in houses with no access to waste plumbing.
A diverter valve is installed behind the washing machine, allowing greywater flow to be directed to either the landscape (normal use) or to the sewer (for bleach or harsh detergents). Greywater is discharged via emitters placed inside mulch basins (trenches full of wood chip mulch). Once-a-year maintenance is recommended.