Water Concierge

Water Concierge is a personalized water conservation program for your home. We provide a complete top-to-bottom analysis of your home’s water consumption and a menu of bespoke options for reducing your water bills. You may be surprised to find that water conservation isn’t necessarily about xeriscaping and punitive showers, but about smart irrigation controllers or repairing hidden leaks – minor changes that start reducing your water bill and saving you money immediately.

Turn off all fixtures inside and outside the house, making note of the reading on your water meter. Wait an hour without using any water and check again. If the reading has changed you have a leak.

How It Works


A team of expert analysts from our company will come to your house and perform a comprehensive analysis of every aspect of water consumption inside and outside, pinpointing gallon consumption for the variety of systems both seen and unseen in your home.


The first step towards conservation is understanding where your water is going. Pools and sprinklers are often the main culprits.

Water Audit Report

We will prepare a customized audit report of options for water conservation in your home.  This list will include actionable steps that can be taken to obtain measurable reductions in water use.  Each menu item will include a cost estimate for that action, and an analysis of water savings over time.

Concierge Services

Our services can stop at the report, allowing you to follow through with your own contractors and landscape team.  But if desired, we can provide you with a personalized water concierge who will act as a combination general contractor, water manager, and researcher to manage your project, select and manage subcontractors to do the work, and provide continued follow-up and verifiable results.


Our Methodology

Our team of water analysts conducts a full evaluation, performing a top-to-bottom analysis of every facet of water usage in your home.  Many people are surprised to find that a tremendous amount of water can be lost through invisible processes – leaks, evaporation, filter runoff, or simple mismanagement.  Our team will uncover the minutiae of lost water in your home, as well as a strategic analysis of the more obvious culprits.

We use meters to quantify water use of the various systems in your home – irrigation, laundry, filtration, etc. Our recommendations are based on running the numbers – our approach is science based, results-oriented, and will provide verifiable water savings.

Methodology may include:

  • Analysis of historic water bills

  • Examination of irrigation system & zones

  • Evaluation and consultation with gardeners and other workers to assess work systems and water usage.

  • Leak check and hidden water losses

  • Analysis of water softener and filtration runoff

  • Shower and bathtub “warm-up water”

  • Evaporative loss calculations from pools & fountains

  • Kitchen use

  • Evaluation of water-based appliances (dishwasher, washing machines, whole-house filters, etc.)

  • Quantifying water use by horses, putting greens, waterfalls, and other specialized uses.

Guaranteed Results

We take the science of water conservation very seriously and can guarantee that our strategies will reduce water consumption, perhaps dramatically.  You will be able to verify water savings on your next water bill and every water bill to follow.

About Us

Leigh Jerrard is the driving force behind Water Concierge.  As a licensed contractor and architect he has dedicated his last ten years to water conservation with Greywater Corps. Through hundreds of site visits, talking to homeowners about their goals and habits, he came to see that most people have only a vague understanding of their own water use. Time and again Leigh has seen people adopting punitive water conservation strategies such as miserly showerheads or gravel and cactus “gardens” without really knowing how much water these practices may save, or if these actions might have any negative environmental implications.


As California’s water shortages continued Leigh came to realize that his years of experience in all facets of residential water systems gave his company a unique expertise that is now in great demand. This expertise can put homeowners at ease, knowing their water woes are in the hands of sympathetic professionals, and that the decisions they make are guided by results-oriented strategy and holistic design.


How Do Greywater and Rainwater Conserve Water?


Basic Design for Home Rainwater Harvesting